Decitex Telescopic Handle

Decitex Telescopic Handle

Kr. 3.898,00

Útdraganlegt skaft frá Decitex, hentar fyrir öll verk þar sem þarf sterkbyggt og einfalt skaft, er með universal endi og smellpassar við alls konar græjur, alveg eins og það á að gera

There’s about as much chance of you being the same height as all your colleagues as there is of having eyes in the back of your head. That’s why the Telescopic Handle adapts to your height or lack of. It enables you to work ergonomically whether cleaning floors, walls or ceilings.

It’s easy to handle and its rotary globe follows your movements throughout the day to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).This same globe means the Telescopic Handle won’t fall if you lean it against a wall. Yes, it’s non-slip!

When cleaning walls or ceiling, your aim is to wash the surface, not your arms. This telescopic handle has an anti-run ring that you allows you to wedge your hand to make your work even easier. For even greater ergonomics, you can adapt the length of the handle, making it longer to fit under furniture or so the strip glides more easily over the floor. Or you can make it shorter to apply more force and have the frame closer to you in dirtier areas.